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Postcards to Swing States

Postcards to Swing States

Hello Defend Democracy people!

Remember when all we could do was meet, worry and try to make a difference after Trump had gotten elected? This time we can do something BEFORE the elections so we're not lamenting afterwards. Let's close the barn door BEFORE the horse gets out.

On this Sunday, August 4th between 4 and 6 PM at the Rices' Mills Community Center we'll be getting together to write postcards to be sent to swing state voters inclined to vote for Kamala Harris, if we can get them to the polls. These are folks who only vote irregularly and need to be poked/reminded.

There's data showing that this effort, which has been done in previous elections, does garner an electorally significant increase in votes by those who receive the cards.

We have the cards. We'll supply the stamps (but you're welcome to bring your own, if you'd like to help with the cost). We just need you to come and help hand write them. Please join us in taking action.

And bring your friends. Thanks!

Questions? Contact Linda Weiss

August 3

Wild Heart of Summer Retreat

August 6

Olympics Watch Party