Membership & annual dues payments

Become a member of Rice's Mills Community Association

RMCA members enjoy free / discounted use of the Rice’s Mills Community Center building for private or public events. Learn more »

Annual dues

Supporters $20, Sustainers $30, Benefactors $40

Supporters $30, Sustainers $40, Benefactors $60

Those intending to use our Internet service are encouraged to include an additional $5/individual and $10/family to their dues.

Dues payments

You can either (a) pay by check or (b) pay online. Membership payments are good for 12 months starting May 1, the beginning of our fiscal year and monthly potluck season.

Pay by check

Make your check out to “RMCA”, and mail to: Chris Coyle, 1653 Gove Hill Rd., Thetford Center, VT 05075 or bring to the next potluck.

We accept these payment methods:

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • AMEX

  • Discover

  • Apple Pay