Hello friends. Welcome to our website.
There's lots to see and do here.

Become a member, see our events calendar, get info about our history and monthly potlucks, join our Next Generation, reserve or rent the Rice's Mills Community Center, signup to receive our eNews, volunteer for upcoming projects, pay your dues, make an online donation, and much more

Our Association & Community Center

The Rice’s Mills Community Association (RMCA) is a neighborhood organization that runs and cares for the Rice's Mills Community Center (RMCC). The former one-room schoolhouse was built in 1931; it was turned over to the community in 1962, when the Thetford’s elementary school opened.

RMCC is a valuable gathering place in the Thetford village of Rice's Mills, open to all and is on the State of Vermont Historical Register. It is available to the public to rent for special events including birthday & holiday parties, classes, workshops, yard sales, or anything else for which you need an indoor or outdoor space. It has been used for art exhibits, kid’s art camp, film viewings, open-mic nights, jam sessions and dances. Several families use the RMCC’s spacious greenhouse to start their vegetable & flower seedlings in the spring.

Monthly potluck suppers

Our monthly potlucks take place on the 3rd Sunday of each month from May-November. Typically, doors open at 5pm to set up for the potluck and for games inside (darts and ring swing) and out (weather depending - badminton or volleyball, bean bag toss and horseshoes). Potluck dinners s begin at 6pm - please bring a dish to share (if possible, include a note describing the dish and what’s in it for folks who have food restrictions), as well as your own beverage, plate, bowl, cup and utensils - we will have water to drink. Following the potluck, starting about 7pm, we usually have a featured event such as slide presentations, music, story telling or a game night.

Volunteer to help with our potlucks

Let us know if you would like to host a potluck or help organizing games or other activities.

News & Events

Rice’s Mill’s: the “Next Generation”

Several of Rice’s Mill’s “Next Generation” held a meetup for folks in their 20’s~40’s on Sunday, April 28th. The Next Generation is essential for the future of the Rice’s Mills Community Association. Learn more about the Next Gen gathering and initiative.

2024 building projects

Volunteers are key to Rice’s Mills future. See a listing of 2024 building projects to maintain and enhance Rice's Mills Community Center building and grounds, and volunteer to help.

2024 Greenhouse

Seven RMCA families are using the Rice’s Mills greenhouse this year to start and grow their garden seedlings. We now have a brand new greenhouse exhaust fan and controller, bought and installed by Rick Biddle.

Join our email list

Learn more about upcoming potluck suppers, special events and entertainment, or how to become a member.'

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“RMCA has recently accomplished major construction goals. We invite friends and neighbors to join us and pursue new community/building initiatives”

— Bob Walker and Jody Biddle

2024 Annual Meeting

The 2024 RMCA Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, May 19, following our first potluck of the year. Thirty-seven folks attended the meeting. Following a financial report, slight increases in member dues and building rental fees were adopted. Then, Sarah Blessum reported on a gathering of about 25 younger folks who were interested in participating at RMCC, and who thought wifi access would increase usefulness of the facility. Attendees agreed to securing EC Fiber internet access for RMCC.

Then Jimmy Taylor reviewed progress on development of our new website, which should be launched soon. Co-presidents, Jody Biddle and Bob Walker, then reviewed 2024 RMCC projects – tree clearing, building an accessibility ramp, installing acoustic ceiling tiles and some outside gardening and landscaping work. Finally, Chris Coyle was elected to continue as treasurer, while Jody Biddle and Bob Walker, both who hope to step down from their co-presidency, agreed to continue serving until a collective board is formed in the coming months to share administrative responsibilities.